Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I've been bad...

I've been a very bad blogger and I'm sorry! I have been cooking but my photos haven't been coming out so well. I think the problem is that by the time I get home from work I'm rushing to get dinner on the table so we eat at a decent time. I'll take a quick photo because I'm in a rush to eat (not a big surprise! lol) but then later I'm not happy with the way the photos turned out! :-( I promise I will put more time into my photos because you're all missing out on some great recipes! Again, SO sorry! Some of the new things I made are Pulled Brisket Sandwiches, Homemade Ranch Dressing, Buttermilk Chicken Breast Strips with Panko breadcrumbs, Homemade Gnocchi with a Bolognese Sauce and Escarole and Mini Meatball Soup. I may post them anyway even though the pictures weren't that great because all of those meals were delicious!

In the meantime I have to apologize for one more thing. I have neglected to tell you all about this awesome contest going on over at Bakespace. If you read this blog often you know how much I LOVE BAKESPACE! I have met so many great friends through this community. The contest has been going on all month but there is still time to participate! Don't miss out on this one! Check it out and join bakespace today!

I promise I'll be back very soon with some photos and recipes! Hope you're still reading!

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