Monday, October 13, 2008

BSI: Lentils

Hi everyone!! So exciting to choose this week's BSI ingredient... but then what to pick?!? I had so many ideas (most revolving around the ingredients in my fridge--I was a little overzealous at the farmers market and store), but decided to take a little different path.

I don't remember eating lentils as a kid. This was no fault of my parents (i think i recall dad liking lentil soup), more of my picky eating-- I highly doubt I would've considered the notion of consuming lentils :) I've tried them all of 3 times the past year or two, so I thought this would be a fantastic way to learn some fun new ways to prepare them!! So BRING IT!!! Link back to this post, or leave me a comment so I can pull all of your fantastical recipes together. And I'll come up with some sort of *prize* for my fav ;-)

Lentils seem pretty big around the blog world, but in case you aren't in the know (don't worry, I wasn't!), they are especially good sources of soluble and insoluble fiber, folate and magnesium (both good for your heart), iron, and protein! (I did discover that red lentils have less protein than other types... hmmm)

Just another quick note... please bear with me as I begin my new job this week!! I'll be adjusting to a new schedule and will have lots to do to in order to get started... I'll probably do some reading from trusty Google Reader, but I don't know how much time for comments there will be. I'll still be posting, as I mentioned above I got a bit excited shopping last week...

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