Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My First Taste of Boston

* a break from regularly scheduled programming *

I've gotten a few questions about what I do, so I thought I'd address them a bit today--I hope everyone doesn't mind! Plus I have a TON of leftovers, so no new meal tonight... I'm a science geek, and just defended my dissertation in August. Read: I can now add the letters Ph.D. after my name!!!! Woah, hasn't really set in yet. I've been in school all my life, so to no longer be considered a student is even stranger. Hmm, as to exactly what I do everyday, it's research, loosely filed under the heading "biomedical". My graduate work bridged the gap between immunology (a study of the system responsible for dealing with foreign invaders) and cancer. I moved to Boston for my post-doctoral research, which in science-speak is really just a way to get more experience before you get a real job. What I'll be doing here is more along the lines of examining ways T cells (one of cells of our immune system) interact with other cells in their response to various offenders (like the flu). Have I lost you all yet? Hope not!!

Let's get back to my new digs :) What have I learned so far?

The Charles

1. Boston drivers are CRAZY. I will not ride my bike in the city (boo).
2. The Charles is much prettier than the Schuykill (although I hear it's not any cleaner!)
3. I love walking everywhere. (much better than driving from place to place)
4. Fall is my favorite season. (but i already knew that!! :))

Jamaica Pond

Despite all my craziness in my new kitchen, the second night here I discovered there's an awesome Thai place right around the corner!! Still sooo many things to explore, so any of you Beantown readers in the know... please dish :)

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