Friday, September 26, 2008

Raspberry Clafouti

Yup, more raspberries! I told you we bought them at Sam's... :) (If you're not familiar, it's a wholesale club, like BJ's and Costco). Finished them off in a delightful, light dessert choc-full of these delicious red rubies--Raspberry Clafouti. I've tried various clafouti recipes, and have liked them all... you'd think I'd just pick one base and vary the fruit, but I'm *slightly* addicted to food blogs and bookmarking tasty recipes!

Raspberry Clafouti
adapted from Sunset

~8oz raspberries
2t cornstarch
1 egg
1/3c egg whites
1c skim milk
2/3c whole wheat pastry flour
1/4c sugar
1 1/2t vanilla extract
1/4t salt

Preheat oven to 350deg. Spray a 2qt baking dish with nonstick spray. Toss berries with cornstarch to coat and place in dish. In a blender (this is a large amount, dangerous to use in your hand blender... not that I know or anything ;) ), mix egg and egg whites, flour, sugar, vanilla and salt for 15 seconds. Pour over berries in baking dish. Bake until puffed and golden brown in the center, ~50min. Cool, then dust with powdered sugar to serve.

a little slice of berry heaven :)

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