Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blueberries... and Basil?!?

I saw this combination in a few different places, and i felt I had to try it!! Since I had brought both cornmeal and buttermilk with me from the old apartment (anyone else start singing that, maybe bnl?), I chose a recipe for Lemony Blueberry Cornbread with Basil.

Doesn't get much easier than this recipe, it's just like a quickbread (dry, wet, then combine and fold in the goodies). We (me and the parents) all enjoyed it warm out of the oven!! I followed the recipe, substituting white whole wheat flour instead of most of the all purpose flour. On the side was a basil-butter to enhance the flavors. I don't eat a ton of butter these days, but a tad on my slice was delicious!

Up close, you can see the blueberries and basil studding the loaf :) Enjoy!!

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