Monday, September 15, 2008

Bok Choy: 3 ways

Bok choy has been on my to-try list for awhile now, and upon seeing these beautiful bunches as the farmers market I couldn't resist!! I wasn't quite sure how best to prepare it, so I turned to fellow bloggers and tried a couple ways...

From Cooking with Amy: a simple Tasty Bok Choy

And Quinoa-Stuffed Bok Choy I saw at Apples and Butter

I took some liberties in the preparation, as I was making it ahead. Steamed the bok choy on its own, and cooked up the quinoa mix ahead of time. When it came to eating, topped the bok choy with the quinoa-walut mix... and the soy reduction... shoot! forgot to make this ahead, so it did't get done. I really think this is a key component to this dish, so I'd recommed it!

From Ricki at Diet, Dessert and Dogs: Caramelized Baby Bok Choy

Verdict?? So I tried the simplest preparation first, and thought it was ok. I was on my way to saying that bok choy might just not be the veggie for me. Then I tried Ricki's Carmelized Baby Bok Choy and LOVED it. I mean, it was cooked nice and slow to bring out the sweetness, had cashews... what's not to love? :) Next up was the Quinoa-Stuffed Bok Choy, which I liked too. As I mentioned, I would definately do the soysauce reduction next time. Ooh, did you catch that, next time? Guess I'll be buying it again sometime :) After some spinach, I've been missing my cheap spinach from the produce place in philly...

How do you like your bok choy??

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