Monday, November 24, 2008

POM Bark

I got a lot of comments about those Pumpkin Truffles, and they definately got a yummmm from me! Especially after hanging out a bit in the fridge. I also brought some to a friend of mine, who sent me an email once she tried one to tell me they were outstanding, so you don't have to take my word for it :) And since I didn't just want to create a whole post dedicated to that short answer, I leave you with another treat I created to [hopefully] bring home!

Pomegranates are so gorgeous, I love the fact that they are all over right now. How can you turn down these jewels??

Ok, well maybe if you didn't know what was inside... Anyways I had picked up a few of these, and had some arils in my fridge awaiting consumption when I saw this on sale.

I've had a love/hate relationship with white chocolate throughout my life, but this stuff is pretty darn incredible. They're not kidding when they say it's made with vanilla--you can see the specks!!! Last year I had made these, so my idea this time was to make POM bark! The little bursts make for quite the interesting treat :) And very festive!

POM Bark
"Recipe" by Shannon

1 bar of really good chocolate (white or dark, i'm sold on green & blacks right now!)
1/2c arils

Chop/break apart chocolate into smaller pieces and melt in a double boiler. While this is melting, line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Once fully melted, spread chocolate on cookie sheet, sprinkle around arils, and lightly press the arils into the chocolate. Pop the sheet into the fridge to harden (mine took a few hours). Once hardened, carefully break into smaller pieces and enjoy! Keep it in the fridge until ready to serve, or to store leftover pieces.

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