Friday, November 21, 2008

Savory Pumpkin Souffle

For this week's BSI, Lindsay chose pumpkin and I went to the dark-errr, savory side for this challenge! My idea was a Savory Pumpkin Souffle, complete with goat cheese and sage. The flavors were pretty good, but I was a bit disappointed with my egg whites. The problem? I only made 2 souffles, using 1 egg white, so I couldn't do it in my mixer. I don't think they were stiff enough so the souffle didn't really rise... at least it tasted good :)

Savory Pumpkin Souffle
Recipe by Shannon
Yield: 2 side servings

1 1/3T whole wheat pastry flour
5 1/3T skim milk, divided (you need 2 2/3T twice)
2oz goat cheese
5oz pumpkin puree (1/3 can)
salt, pepper, fresh sage to taste
1 large egg white

Preheat oven to 375º. Lightly spray 2 ramekins with cooking spray and set aside.

Whisk together flour and 2 2/3T milk in small bowl. Set aside.

Combine 2 2/3T milk and 2oz goat cheese in small saucepan over medium heat. Stir until cheese melts. Stir in flour mix, cook until thick, stirring often. Transfer to large bowl, then add in pumpkin and seasonings. Mix really well (could also beat this), until mixture is smooth.

Using clean beaters, beat egg white with a mixer at high speed until stiff peaks form. Stir one-third of egg whites into the pumpkin mixture. Gently fold in remaining egg whites. Divide pumpkin mixture evenly among prepared ramekins. Place the ramekins on a baking sheet. Bake at 375º for 25 minutes or until soufflés are puffy and set. Serve immediately.

ps- true to shannon form, i had one of these for lunch the next day, and it didn't lose it's flavor ;-) just a little of it's lift!

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