Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cleaning the Fridge

With the upcoming holiday I'll be spending at the parents, this weekend was for cleaning out the fridge! Not sure when I'll be posting again, so I hope everyone has a fabulous time with their families!!!!

Carrot Pumpkin Soup - I followed the recipe, using 2c chopped carrots and 1c pumpkin

Pumpkin Truffles - Made with Amaretto as I didn't have any Grand Marnier

And last but not least, the REALLY ripe banana on my counter found their way into a very small (4) batch of Banana Wheat Germ Muffins. I was a little short on wheat germ, so I did about half and half with ground flax seeds.

Ok, I lied... I made something else with ingredients I didn't have on hand. But I happened upon two Hiyacha persimmons at the store that seemed to be ripe (the acorn-shaped ones, which are supposed to be quite soft when ripe and better for baking), and I couldn't turn them down! When peeling one of my persimmons, you could definately tell there was a section still unripe (much harder) so I didn't use that for fear of astringency and inedible baked goods. This led to a smaller amount of puree than called for in this Persimmon Date Bread and the making of muffins instead! After popping one, ok, two, in my mouth, I packaged the rest up for the freezer so I can come home to some fresh-baked goodness after a long weekend home :)

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