Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lovely Weather We're Having

Rain is fine. Wind is also fine. Rain and wind together is obnoxious. At least it is for us city dwellers who don't own cars and rely on umbrellas getting us to and from point A to point B in a dry state.
This thing has seen better days

I really loved this umbrella. I got it in Paris and spent quite a few Euro on it.
Lets just say it wasn't a fun walk home. I had to pick tonight of all nights to run errands downtown? You know, I wasn't the only one. It is pretty comical watching umbrella vs. human. Humans always loose. The wind is blowing so damn hard you can't even close the umbrella and if you do try to close it, successful or not, you are still getting soaked in the process. So no matter what, you loose. Not anymore. Introducing my new bff. (I hear the rain isn't supposed to stop anytime soon). Meet Super Umbrelllaaaaa. I made it into Urban Outfitters after a battle with the rain, but not with the intent to purchase an Umbrella, however, I was greeted by a nice gal who saw my struggle firsthand. A true saleswoman she directed me to a rack with these bad boys.
Seriously, this thing is a beast. $18 later, I braved the monsoon feeling pretty confident in my purchase. It's no Parisian newspaper, but the clear plastic definitely counts for something because I am no longer blindly plowing into intersections full umbrella force ahead.
The Verdict: It's a winner. It was totally worth $18. Oh wait did you want to see food pictures? I thought I would just show pictures of umbrellas all night. Here is a little recap of some of the things I ate at home this week:
Monday night I ate leftovers from La Famiglia Giorgio.
Tuesday night I ate an avocado and spinach salad with Honey Mustard Dijon Dressing.
Wednesday I snacked quite a bit....
I am not quite sure how the leftover spinach artichoke dip sat in the fridge all week. Actually, I am not sure how we didn't finish it in the first place. Either way it is not a bad dinner option when you are too lazy to cook anything else.
A slice of birthday cake from the party Adam's family threw me last Saturday sufficed the sweet tooth quota.
And when the cake was gone, I pretty much met that quota with Girl Scout Cookies!Girl Scout Cookies only come around once a year. A little indulging is necessary, plus it is to support our co-workers children!!
These cookies were made for me!
I was skeptical when Adam picked out Thanks-A-Lots but they are becoming a fast favorite. Peanut Butter Patties go without saying (but what ever happened to calling them Tagalongs?)Unpictured Thin Mints and Caramel deLites are still at work. Got to have something sweet to snack on in my cube!

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