Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pisces Birthday Celebrations

Upon arrival for my 26th birthday party at FELT Adam was denied entry for wearing sneakers. (Way to start the evening off on the right foot!!) Lets get one thing straight, these were a nice pair of black Chuck Taylors. If anything, Adam understands and abides by a dress code whenever necessary. This is a bar, where we were going to play pool and eat appetizers. It's early - around 8pm and this is not a nightclub.Ok, so their website says it is a nightclub. But I am pretty sure the the nightclub is specified to the fourth floor. Our party was on the second. Lets get another thing straight, FELT, if you plan an event for a large group of people you might want to let them know the dress code. EVENT PLANNING 101. Adam went home to change his shoes after we pleaded for a good three minutes with the bouncer and alerted him to the fact that we were attending a private party. Jerk.The girls and I entered the bar to find one of our guy friends already present wearing athletic running sneakers. FELT, clearly you need some help here. Please get all your staff on the same page about your dress code. Thanks. I was a bit concerned for the rest of the guys who were showing up. My next male friend to arrive was allowed entry after the bouncer placed a phone call. He had on a pair of sneakers. The next one showed up wearing sneakers too, and the next one after that. I guess FELT decided it might be a dumb idea to turn paying customers attending a planned event away at the door and changed their tune. FELT is capitalized in this paragraph to signify me raising my voice at them. Actually they spell it capitalized on their website, so that works out nicely.I've calmed down. And I'm having a blast with my best girls! So, let me share a little history. I have always been quite fond of this bar. Early on in my move to the city in 2006 I came to see The Dejas with a group of old UNH friends. Everyone had a blast. One ladies night back in 2008 we had a great time sipping martinis and dancing to an 80's jam band. That same year I attended a private party on the third floor with open bar, delicious appetizers and purple pool tables. I love the velvet lined booths, tall exposed brick walls, long flowing red curtains and generally classy atmosphere (but not too classy that guys shouldn't be allowed to wear Converse). The food this time, granted it was free, was just not up to par. (Yeaaa this company might have screwed up another event at a different venue and compensated us with this event.) The pizza was really doughy like it hadn't been cooked long enough The calamari was underwhelming and not crispy at all!
The chicken wings were fine. Nothing to get excited about. I know this isn't a place you go to eat, so I wasn't expecting gourmet. Since I had eaten at an event here in the past I was definitely expecting a higher quality and quantity than what was served.

Our waitress began the night on the wrong foot just as the bouncer did. Yes she was a sweet gal but our first round of drinks; vodka sodas & vodka tonics were delivered without limes. I don't about you, but to me limes are a pretty standard not to mention essential garnish for the drinks ordered. They should not require specificity, but to this point, my sister ordered her next drink with a lime. The waitress upon delivering her drink, politely explained they did not have "fruit" on the second level bar and told her she could go to the bar downstairs if she wanted to get herself a lime. She said this in the nicest way possible, meaning she wasn't coping an attitude at all. She just said it like she had no idea whatsoever that it was a part of her job description to go to the first floor and get limes for the second floor.

The next round of drinks magically appeared with "fruit". I guess someone behind the bar realized they couldn't serve drinks without limes all night!!

I'll give props where props are due, this waitress knows how to have a good time. She delivered Mind Erasers (Thanks, Tray!) and brought one over for herself as well. Score. I'll take a Mind Eraser with my waitress any day. Ahh these drinks take me back to the summer of 2005 on Cape Cod where a night out wasn't complete without a round of these....
Vodka. Kahlua. Soda.
I'm a February Pisces and my bff / blue nailpolish twin Tricia, is a March Pisces. We were born 10 days apart so we always celebrate with all our friends on the weekend in between our real birthdays. Even later in the evening, the sweetheart waitress brought over a round of shots on the house, again with one for herself. With all this drinking she was doing she managed to keep everyone's tabs straight! 
I was pleased and I really did have a great great time shooting pool on the red tables, and hanging out in the blue "Felt" VIP booths with some of my bestest friends!
Felt on Urbanspoon

The night continued at Delux, which is without a doubt my favorite bar in all of Boston. My usual drink is a dirty martini but I wasn't feeling it last night after all the previous vodka drinks. 

The bartender, Nikki, made me a Cosmo instead which hit the spot. I never order Cosmos, so this was fun!
A girl couldn't ask for a better group of friends! A very big thank you to everyone who made this night such a blast!!! I am so lucky to have all you wonderful people in my life.

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