Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Salmon & Peas

This time they go together :) And it's all about presentation here!

I made Giada's Salmon w/Pea Puree. It sits in a lemon broth, which, to be honest, I had no idea if i was supposed to eat it or drink it or what! Good thing i didn't have any guests :) I sopped up some of the broth with some bread, but there was alot there so I didn't finish it. I left out the mint, as I didn't have any. My salmon seemed quite large, so I split it in half and made half of the puree and broth. The broth and pea puree both got made ahead, so all I had to do was to saute the salmon, warm up the broth, and serve! This was a really great dish, and I was especially impressed by the pea puree, very yummy! And my second serving was still good heated up the next day, so that was nice, too.

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