Monday, January 12, 2009


Sorry for the delay on posting the winner... it's been busy at work and my tv also died at the end of last week so i've been on the search for the best way to spend money i wasn't expecting to :( Anyone having a tv giveaway? lol.

Thank you guys SO much for all of your comments!! Since I was behind the 8-ball, I "entered" everyone into the random number generator :) And I wish I had bought more so everyone could be the winner... but instead, I split up the goods to share the wealth! Erica, MacDuff and Heather McD, please email me at tri2cook [at] gmail [dot] com with your mailing addresses and I should get these out to you soon!

While I'm here, I need to give a shout out for Megan's Black Beans & Rice w/Pumpkin Vinaigrette, which was fantastic! I used one of kashi's new packet grains, and also added a bag of spinach that I'd sauteed with garlic (thanks for the idea Heather!). Fantastic dish that will definitely be repeated. In the background is just a turkey scallopini that i seared in a pan and topped with salsa, seemed to fit the theme. And yes, that is a huge serving and a tiny piece of turkey!!

For a couple lunches this week I made up a small Apple Ham Bake with sweet potatoes (hence the container instead of a plate. It was quite yummy, but I used more curry powder than called for, and next time would use even more as I didn't taste it very much. It has potential, I might just play with the seasonings a bit. (Rosiecat, did you know I had this up my sleeve??)

Have you guys seen these? They are the snap -n-lock type, but with glass bottoms, which I prefer when reheating food in the microwave. Love 'em! I try to bring my lunch all the time, although there is too much free food around. One of the reasons I cook so many different things is that I try to scale each recipe to 2-3 servings, so as not to get bored and eat the same thing for lunch and dinner 3 days straight (done that, not much fun). What I bring, varies on what I am trying to use up or whether a particular recipe strikes my fancy. Often it's something that could pass as dinner, i'm not that discerning :)

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