Thursday, November 11, 2010

Butternut Ice Cream

Did you notice those butts I roasted for my Chocolate Butternut Cake?  They were from an 8.5lb butternut squash.

Photo courtesy of Elina

No joke.  The best part was that I only paid $2-3 for it.  The worst part was that I had to carry it (along with the rest of my groceries) over a mile back to my apartment.  Woops...    Needless to say it made alot of roasted squash!   I tested out a small batch of this ice cream for some reason, but now I'm wishing I hadn't ;)

Butternut Squash Ice Cream
Yield ~2c

1 can light coconut milk
1/2c roasted butternut squash puree
1T arrowroot
1/4 sucanat (or brown sugar)
1/2  Madagascar vanilla bean*
1 cinnamon stick
1T arrowroot

Reserve a few tablespoons of coconut milk and pour the rest into a small saucepan.  Stir in butternut squash and sucanat.  Split the vanilla bean, scrape the seeds into the butternut/coconut milk mixture.  Add the emptied pod and cinnamon stick to the saucepan and heat over medium heat. 

While waiting for the mixture to come to a boil, whisk arrowroot into reserved coconut milk until smooth.  When squash/coconut milk reaches a boil, remove it from the heat and whisk in arrowroot/coconut milk.  Cool to RT, then refrigerate for a few hours (or overnight).  Churn according to your ice cream manufacturer's directions.

Take it up a notch and serve with some Espresso Salted Caramel Sauce!!  Speaking of which, if you liked my entry into Joanne's Recipe Impossible:  Winter Squash Challenge, it's time to vote!

You've got until Sunday the 14th to vote for your favorite entry...  hopefully your in the mood for some Butternut Chocolate Cake w/Espresso Salted Caramel Sauce ;)  Click here, scroll down to the entries and place your vote for Tri to Cook!  Thanks :)

*Disclaimer: sample provided at no cost by Marx Foods.

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