Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dessert Fries

As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program, I received a coupon for a free Alexia Foods product awhile back.  I finally got around to picking up some Sweet Potato Fries and wanted to come up with something a little unique.  Some brainstorming about dessert fries, along with a bit of mascarpone left in my fridge and this was born...

Cinnamon Sugar Sweet Potato Fries with Cinnamon Mascarpone
Recipe by Shannon

2T mascarpone
1/8t cinnamon
2/3t grade B maple syrup
1 bag Alexia Sweet Potato Fries
2T butter, melted
2T sugar
1t cinnamon

Add cinnamon and maple syrup to mascarpone and stir until well combined.  This can be done ahead of time, simply refrigerate until using.

Preheat the oven to 400deg.  Cut open the bag of sweet potato fries and add butter, sugar and cinnamon.  Hold the bag close and toss until the fries have been well-coated.  Spread out on a baking sheet in a single layer and bake for 20min, or until fries have crispy edges.

Transfer to a serving dish and top with mascarpone.  If you'd like, you can toss the mixture to allow the melting mascarpone to cascade over all the fries...

close up of the melting mascarpone

Fries for dessert are ok, right??

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