Monday, August 3, 2009

Melon Mondays IV

Phew, moving right along, there's only one monday left! We've already got quite the spread with some tasty appetizers and a delicious main course, but I really wanted to get in a salad ;) I first tried a watermelon and tomato salad last year and was so amazed and how well it worked I knew I wanted to come up with one to share for dinner. The picture taking was hindered by the similar-color fruits and plate...

Watermelon Salad w/Tomato Relish

Watermelon Salad w/Tomato Relish
Recipe by Shannon
Serves 6

goat cheese
2 plum tomatoes
2 scallions, sliced (reserve some for garnish)
1t Smart Balance Omega oil (or any other mild oil)
2t white balsamic vinegar
grind (or two) of fresh ground black pepper

A few hours (or the night) before, prepare the tomato relish. Cut and de-seed (get rid of all the juices) the tomatoes, then dice. Combine with most of the scallions, oil, vinegar and pepper. Allow flavors to combine in the fridge.

To serve the salad, cut watermelon (I have no idea how much I used, I just covered my serving dish, which was pretty large, ~9x13) to desired shape (I thought triangles would be fun) and plate. Crumgle goat cheese on top of watermelon (again, use how much you like, I didn't measure but it may have been ~2oz), then top with tomato relish. Garnish with reserved scallions and serve!

I couldn't get enough of this, very light and refreshing!! I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did, or maybe there's room for improvement??

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