Monday, August 10, 2009

Melon Mondays V

For the last installment of Melon Mondays, I bring you dessert! It wouldn't be complete without it, right? I was a little worried about this one, as the whole meal was part-melon, I didn't want it to be overwhelmingly sweet. I finally decided on a recipe from The Ethicurean-- a Honeydew Custard Tart.

Honeydew Custard Tart

This was totally unique-- a crystallized ginger stud-ed shortbread crust (I used white WW flour and Smart Balance 50/50 sticks instead of butter) topped with a velvety honeydew custard!! Wowsa, I was really impressed :) I made a few modifications to the custard because I was running low on eggs and honey. My 3 eggs were actually 3/4c liquid egg whites, and I only used about 1/4c or less honey and agave nectar. My melon was sweet enough ;)

It was absolutely delicious, and I seem to recall a few of us going back in for a second slice ;) Well, that's it for now folks, hope I haven't turned you all into melon-heads by now!

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