Sunday, January 17, 2010


When I arrived in New York last spring, I had two priorities: first, to have our apartment organized, and second, to figure out the best places to source high quality ingredients for our meals. The latter seems to be a never ending journey with my passionate pursuit to meet, visit and learn about local farms in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The experience has not always been positive, to my dismay I've found many farms that continue to rely on chemical spray as part of their farming practices, but it has armed me with more information to make decisions and that in itself makes the time and effort entirely worthwhile. While I have found a good handful of organic farms to rely for fresh produce, I still toggle between a couple of sources for meats. I've been successful in finding reliable sources for good quality pork and poultry, and while it is not always local, I've been most impressive with the wide array of fresh seafood at the Lobster Place at the Chelsea Market in New York. 
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