Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Spring It!

I've got a special announcement today... I have partnered with Springpad!

What is Springpad? A FREE personal organizer. Use it to collect and organize recipes (from my site and anywhere in the world wide web, plan meals for the week and generate grocery lists! How cool is that?? It's not just for recipes, either-- use it to plan trips and date nights, track restaurants or receipts, or even keep notes about wines you've tried.

(Spring It button under recipe, Springpad banner in middle of page)

How do you get started? Register for an account with springpad (or Logon if you're already a member). When you see a recipe you want to try, Spring it by clicking the button you can now find in my recipe posts!! (see above image) If you want to take a look at all the recipes in my account, click the banner on the right. Once you've saved a few recipes, you can organize them and generate a shopping list from recipes you want to cook that week.

saved recipe in Springpad

I think this will become a great tool to help organize all of the recipes I want to try (I won't even attempt to put a number on it!), and I hope you find it useful as well :)

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