Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Semi-Homemade by Erica

We had a holiday cookie swap at work today.  It was generally expected that we each bring in some sort of homemade treat to share.  I wanted to make something tasty but easy - I was baking on a Monday night and did not really feel like going all out.  Recently I saw this recipe on Framed Cooks and the cookies received rave reviews so I thought I would give it a go.  Framed Cooks adapted this recipe from Allrecipes.

All you need is:
  • 8oz thing of cool whip
  • 1 box of cake mix (I used lemon)
  • 2 eggs
  • about 1/3 cup of confectioners sugar
The ingredients
First I whipped the eggs and cool whip together, then added the cake mix and continued to stir together until it was all mixed together.  The dough was really sticky, but you put it in the fridge for about a half hour before the baking.

All mixed up!
I pre-heated the oven to 350 degrees and greased two baking sheets.  Then I added about 1/3 cup of confectioners sugar to a bowl.  Using an ice cream scooper (it helped with the sticky dough) I scooped out a ball of dough and dropped it in the bowl of confection sugar.

Ball of dough ready for coating
I then rolled the ball of dough around in the sugar so that it was completely covered and then put it on the baking sheet.  

Ready for the oven
I cooked each sheet of cookies for a bit more than the recommended 11 minutes.  I think my cookies were more like a tablespoon rather than the recommended teaspoon.

Cooling on the rack
Even though I have granite counter-tops, the cooling rack was important for these cookies.  They had a bit more of a cake like texture and did not dry as well when directly on the counters.

The cookies were defintely pretty good, especially considering how little went into making them!  They are definately good in a pinch.

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