Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolutions? and New Kitchen Stuff!

Lately it seemed that while everyone was blogging or tweeting about their New Years Resolutions, I was still busy reminiscing everything I ate in Two Thousand Ten.

I don't normally make resolutions, but with the overwhelming presence in social media, I couldn't help but give it some thought. I pop into the gym whenever I see fit, which hasn't been much at all lately. So getting my butt to Planet Fitness along with the rest of the rat race might not be a bad idea. But who cares about that? Bo-ring. A real resolution with some legit substance might be something like "get back in the kitchen" or "cook more." Not a bad idea seeing as I received something related to cooking / the kitchen from each and every member of my family and extended for Christmas and I.haven't.cooked. All I've used extensively are the red and white wine glasses my Mom gifted to me and the brand new wine opener from Adam. (We needed one and so I put it on my wish list.) Actually, I have also used the round wooden (I was very precise when making my list) cutting board and the pretty Anthropologie Utensil holder from my sister! That is a start, right? Sometimes outsiders refer to this as a cooking blog, and although you won't hear me call it such, (food blog - yeah! Cooking blog - not really) I did used to cook, take pictures, and post recipes (or at least links to them.) After awhile it turned into restaurants galore, a weeknight slew of events, vacations, holidays, and other peoples food. The cooking on my end faded into the background and eventually was neglected completely. I was so busy with everything else, I had no time to cook! I wasn't grocery shopping because I was eating out all the time, or dedicating time to writing, as opposed to cooking. I am blissfully content to eat out and write, and am happiest in life when going-with the-flow and embracing the opportunities as they are presented. When I named this blog I felt Inspire could capture any and everything I wanted it to be, so if it took another direction at any given point in time, I was content to let it. Well friends, it is time to get back in the kitchen and to restore some balance, at least for the month of January, as resolutions tend to go. Some old favorites are being pulled out of the recipe folder, a Peapod Online shopping trip is in the works and the pages are being turned in the three cookbooks I got for Christmas, searching for inspiration. I got a Cooking Light 1989 cookbook from my Dad. I am still wondering where he purchased a 22 year old version, because I am pretty infatuated with it. It is even dust stained, taking on an antique like quality. A Baking book from my boss, Ben (accompanied by a bottle of red wine, can't go wrong.)This awesome book from my Mom's boyfriend JJ. The Absinthe shot on the cover is reminisce of New Years Day some years ago. Sugar cubes, spoons and all. Oh where did my youth go? Oh yea, it went to the dirty martini, far left. And please note my new favorite quote on the cover "A triumph of unapologetic debauchery"-Julie Powell.The new kitchen utensils - knives from my Mom and a pizza cutter from Adam are sharp as they will ever be, awaiting use along with my new set of stainless steel pots and pans from Adam's Mom. The shock and excitement factor upon opening them Christmas afternoon in Qunicy was comparable to that of a nine year old child's believe in Santa being restored after they got the present they had no idea was under the tree for them.The current set of pots and pans I use were inherited from my Mom, a wedding gift to her and my Dad back in the day. I think it is time to pass that set down to my sister and embrace my very own shiny new set. You should have seen me cradling that pot after I heated up soup in it for the first time. I washed it in the sink like it was my firstborn child and then I rearranged my entire kitchen, as giving the 13 piece set ample cabinet space was top priority.Time to get a grip. Time to start cooking! Thanks to everyone who contributed to the improvement of my kitchen this Christmas.

P.S. Restaurant posts are certainly not going anywhere in 2011. 

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