Monday, January 3, 2011

White Bean Truffle Dip

On Sunday, I wanted to whip up a healthy snack to munch on during halftime of the Patriots game.  I  was craving a healthy finger food and I remember an easy recipe for White Bean Truffle Dip on my friend Meghan's blog.  She made this dip for a potluck dinner and I remembered how addictively delicious it was.  Since I had all of the ingredients already in my kitchen, I decided to give it a try.

I had two partially used bulbs of garlic in my fridge.  I cut the tops off the garlic, drizzled it with olive oil, wrapped it in aluminum foil and put it in the oven to roast at 350 degrees.  I roast garlic pretty frequently in my kitchen so I know when to take the garlic out usually by smell instead of a set time.

While the garlic was roasting, I got the rest of my ingredients together.  I always have plenty of canned beans in the pantry because I think they are super healthy, hearty and add lots of texture to dishes.  I decided to use two different kinds of beans - cannellini and butter beans.

I drained and rinsed the beans.  I then put it in the food processor with some salt and black pepper and set it aside.

I was still waiting for my garlic to roast, so I rinsed and sliced up some celery and cucumbers to eat with the white bean truffle dip.

At this point, I wandered into the living room to watch the end of the first half of the game.  I forgot all about my garlic until I could smell it from the living room.  I ran to the kitchen and caught the garlic just in time before it almost began to burn.

I added the roasted garlic to the food processor.

I also added three tablespoons of white truffle oil.  I picked up this bottle during our last trip to Portland and I was excited to finally have an excuse to break the bottle open!

I pureed the mixture in the food processor and stopped a few times to add the juice of half a lemon, some more salt and pepper, two more tablespoons of white truffle oil and the juice of the second half of the lemon.  I like seasoning food to taste and for texture and when it tasted just right to me, I finally stopped.  I drizzled a little more white truffle oil on top of the dip and it was ready to serve.

The white bean truffle dip was so rich and decadent.  It felt like we were eating something bad but it was a really healthy snack for the game!  The flavors of roasted garlic and white truffle oil really helped make this flavorful and I definitely had a spoon (or two) from the food processor before serving.  We still have quite a bit leftover and I think it will make for a great work snack later this week.

Thanks Meghan for inspiring me with your recipe.  This was truly a delicious snack!

What is your healthy snack for game day?

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