Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Baby Shower at Cafe Fleuri Chocolate Bar

This past Saturday morning, I set off under partly cloudy crisp blue skies to attend a celebration in honor of my friend Gretchen's fast approaching due date!
7 months and counting, she looks fabulous.
Friends and family gathered in at the Langham Hotel to feast on Chocolate treats at the Cafe Fleuri Chocolate Bar and shower Gretchen with presents for her baby boy.
In a regal ballroom overlooking Post Office Square guests were greeted by pleasant waitstaff offering coffee and freshly steeped tea by the potful.
I sipped Darjeeling with honey.
Tables were set with spring bouquet centerpieces displaying adorable baby pictures of Mom and Dad to-be. The chocolate bar is meant to capture the five elements of taste through dessert; salty, sweet, sour, bitter and savory. I'll be honest, the majority of what I tasted today was sweet; but I did manage to satisfy a few savory and salty cravings, too! I captured quite a few photographs of the the all-you-can-eat buffet which included everything from elaborate chocolate statues, to a made to order crepe station, an ice cream bar, a handmade truffle counter, oh and obviously the infamous chocolate fountain. Enjoy!My favorites? Definitely the strawberry filled beignets and the vibrant colored and individually flavored macaroons. (Later bright colors of yellow and pink showed up to the buffet!) The green was an unexpected minty burst, the blue was chocolate flavored and the yellow was vanilla. I enjoyed my fare share of the salted pretzel logs and of course a berry filled crepe with chocolate sauce and whipped cream was not to be passed up.
After we sufficiently stuffed ourselves with sweets, it was present time!!
A chocolate wonderland run by a welcoming staff; Cafe Fleuri's Chocolate Bar runs Saturdays (September - June) from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm providing a charming venue to celebrate special events!

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