Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ridiculous IV

For the final round of Marx Foods Ridiculously Delicious Challenge, we were shipped another secret ingredient.  Inside the box?

I had no idea what this was upon first inspection!

Fresh daruma wasabi?!?!

Peel, then grate!

Hmm.  I have to go sweet...  it is a ridiculous challenge, after all ;)  My first thought was something with cream cheese, but that quickly morphed into a wasabi ice cream that my head was pairing with other asian condiments-- ginger, soy sauce and sesame seeds.

Asian Sundae

Voila!  An Asian Sundae!  Or, a Crystallized Ginger Brownie with Wasabi (Coconut Milk) Ice Cream, Chocolate Soy Sauce and Black Sesame Seed Brittle.  Done and done.

But what about that other idea in the back of your head?  What if the wasabi ice cream isn't creative enough?  Why yes, I suppose I should see how a White Chocolate Wasabi Truffle turns out, perhaps with a crystallized ginger center?

White Chocolate Wasabi Truffles

Oh my.  Both desserts were amazing.  What do I do now?  A taste test in lab revealed it wasn't just me, everyone seemed to be having a hard time picking which was their favorite.

Given the name of the challenge, I suggest instead of choosing one or the other, that you pair the truffles with the sundae ;)

Ridiculously Delicious.

I'm so excited about the ways these turned out I had to share!!  Recipes and reviews to follow soon, but first a huge shout out to Marx Foods for inspiring such amazing creations :)

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