Sunday, January 22, 2012

Charlotte Au Chocolat

I am having one of the most relaxing weekends in a long time.  I've slept in every morning, gotten in great workouts and had time to cook leisurely breakfasts.  Sure, we've been running errands, seeing family, and even a movie double date last night, but the theme of this weekend is pure relaxation.  It feels long overdue.

When I have free time, I love curling up on the couch with a good book.  I recently received an advance reading copy of Charlotte Au Chocolat: Memories of a Restaurant Girlhood by Charlotte Silver, and I loved curling up with it this weekend. 

Photo Credit

Charlotte Silver is the daughter of Deborah Hughes, the co-owner of Upstairs on the Square and the now-defunct Upstairs at the Pudding.  Charlotte writes about her experiences growing up in the restaurant industry and her two worlds in both the front of the house and in the kitchen of her mother's restaurant.  I easily devoured Charlotte's beautiful descriptions of food (especially her namesake Charlotte Au Chocolat!) and a nostalgic look at a Harvard Square that no longer exists.  But what I loved most was Charlotte's honest look back at her relationship with her mother.  From the book, I gather that we are about the same age and I could relate to her struggles with wanting to please her mother but also just trying to figure out what her mother really is all about.

The book officially hits bookstores on February 16th.  If you read it, I highly recommend that  you enjoy it while snuggling up in a big throw blanket with a cup of chocolate mint tea, as I did.  And make sure you have a pastry or two on hand.  Trust me, you won't regret it.

Do you enjoy reading novels and short stories about food as much as I do?  If so, what are some of your favorite food-related reads

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