Thursday, January 19, 2012

POM Vanilla Punch

Unfortunately I don't have great pictures of this punch, but it was party time.  You can understand, right?  I made two batches of this and it was gone before the guests, so you don't have to take my word for it that this was delicious!!  Perfect for kids and adults alike, I served it with some bubbly on the side for those who wished to imbibe.

Pomegranate Vanilla Punch
adapted from How Sweet It Is
yield ~ 10-15 glasses

1 lg orange, sliced
1 lg apple, sliced
1 lg pear, sliced
airls of 1 large pomegranate
2 cinnamon stick
seeds and pod of 1 vanilla bean (optional)
1T vanilla extract
48oz pomegranate juice (not from concentrate, I used POM Wonderful)
1L vanilla seltzer
prosecco, optional

In a large pitcher, combine all ingredients except prosecco.  Cover and refrigerate for a few hours before serving.

Serve with prosecco on this side!

This one's a keeper folks!

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