Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bloggers Cooking Class at the Four Seasons Hotel

Last night, I was lucky enough to participate in a cooking class at the Four Seasons Hotel.  This class was originally supposed to take place in December and has been rescheduled several times but last night was definitely worth the wait!  After indulging in burgers and burgundy at the Bristol Lounge last week, I couldn't wait to get a sneak peak inside the kitchen to see where everything comes to life.  At Executive Chef Brooke Vosika's instruction, I learned some fantastic cooking tips, ate some wonderful nibbles and drank some fabulous wine (including some wine made by the Executive Chef himself!).  Plus, I got to hang out with some of my favorite food bloggers, which made for a perfect Wednesday night.

I want to share some of my favorite photos (of many) from last night:

Executive Chef Brooke Vosika cleaning the bay scallops.

A sampling from the bar menu - deep-fried Brussels sprouts.

Did you know the Bay Scallop Chowder uses gin in it?

The Executive Chef let us sample some of his own homemade wine!

If you cook, you know that a glass of wine is a must!

The Bay Scallop Chowder was SO easy to make and I can't wait to make it on my own!

The Four Seasons Hotel dry ages their own beef and we got a sneak peek in the dry age room.

Executive Chef Vosika gave some great tips to breaking down a whole chicken and Megan did a fabulous job!

We got to sample another bar bite - seared pork belly on a corncake with an Asian-style sauce.

Even the kitchen follows social media and there was a lot of live tweeting!

Executive Pastry Chef Tim Fonseca demonstrated his seasonal fruit crisp.

We were generously treated to some perfectly (and I mean perfectly) cooked dry aged steak!

The Chicken and Truffle Dumplings was comfort food done right.

And there is no better way to end the night than with Warm Chocolate Cake.
Thank you to the wonderful folks at the Four Seasons Hotel for inviting me to this fabulous cooking (and dining) experience.  The Four Seasons Hotel has some other cooking classes scheduled and you can find out more information about it here.

The Four Seasons Hotel is located at 200 Boylston Street, Boston, MA.

Full disclosure: The Four Seasons Hotel cooking class was fully complimentary, but as always, my opinion is honest and completely my own.

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