Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"If There's Love....

...I just wanna have somethin' to do with it." ~Citizen Cope
It was a weekend filled with new and old friends and family, waterfronts and beach fronts, jacuzzis and limo rides, dancing and fire pits, seafood buffets and exquisite passed hors d'oeuvres, raw bars and open bars, amazing foods and even better people. It was a celebration of Carly and Cutlers love in all the best ways possible. From a calypso band belting the old school tunes at the rehearsal dinner to a DJ spinning the top 40 hits at the wedding, here is the second installment of photographs of my favorite people, moments, foods and drinks.
Ritz Carlton + rehearsal dinner recap - in case you missed it. The bride, bridesmaids and I awoke bright and early on the big day. Looking our best we meandered into Temple Orange for a light breakfast. Coffee ($5), Fried Egg ($3) and Hash Browns ($3) for me kept it simple and light on the wallet. Lobby photo shoots ensued. I wasn't sure if you had enough of the lobby in my previous post?! Adding people in the mix always bodes well for photo shoots, though. A trip to the jacuzzi before we began getting ready was a most relaxing event. As the morning wore on, the rain stopped and the sun made an appearance. How unbelievably gorgeous are the hotel grounds and the beach below them?The Terrace Suites offer comfy lounge chairs and breezy drapes, as well as easy access to the pools and beach. As 2:00 approached we were picked up by a most punctual limo driver. We threw back a whiskey shot or two on the way over to calm whatever existing nerves lingered. These are joyous and excited-for-the-bride nerves and they deserved to be chased by whiskey. We slipped into our dresses in the house next door to the chapel,

while drinking plastic cups of white wine.
This little guy got into his tux. Think he'll remember his parents wedding day? ;)Soon enough, we made our way down the aisle at the Royal Poinciana Chapel.Obviously I didn't have my camera with me at this time, but here is a photograph of the alter at the rehearsal. Carly made a stunning bride, just stunning. I'll never forget the look in Cutler's eyes as she approached. Beaming, glowing, glossy so as to maybe holding back a few tears, his heart ready to burst. Pure happiness and undeniable love. After a round or ten of professional photographs, we cruised down Ocean Boulevard back to the Ritz, poppin' champagne along the way. The newlyweds made their grand entrance at cocktail hour.
The appetizers during cocktail hour blew me away. Presentation wise they were classy and creative. Taste wise they were top notch. There was a broad variety to please every palate and plenty to go around. Cigar boxed mini baguette sandwiches boasted  ham and melted cheese on a warm crusty baguette wrapped in a brown paper bag.Black truffle mac-n-cheese was  elegant and laced with panko breadcrumbs.
The tuna tartare cones were fun!
Fried calamari and rock shrimp drizzled with a lemon aioli missed the camera. A mozarella tomato pesto bite with balsamic viniagrette drops were a playful take on classic flavors and ingredients. The lamb chops were exquisite. My grampy doesn't even like lamb, or so he thought. He raved after two and ate about five more. From the bar, the usual to start things off.
And Vodka Pineapples with a lime to follow. The reception was held down the hall at Angle a contemporary american "super club". A dark intimate space with sleek urbane decor, tonight done up with in glistening gold wedding essentials and white linens. Flowing tastefully through the room were elaborate white floral displays accented with pink roses and green leaves. Tables were dotted with floating candles. The food was phenomenal.For the salad course, a creamy bacon dressing over spinach greens with crispy empanadas and a citrus garnish. And the entrée - a breaded filet mignon over baked onion, potatoes au gratin with steamed vegetables and a moist juicy herb encrusted chicken. The meal had a little something for everyone.
And it was a meal worth raving over. Plated with a dollop of whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel, the vanilla raspberry buttercream cake was amazing. So was the rest of the evening. I'll spare the dance floor antics in an effort to finish up, even though nights like this, you never want them to end!After the reception we hung out at the fire pit terrace wrapped in teal and gold sequin blankets. And began our day there the next morning, too!We enjoyed brunch once again at Temple Orange. This time I splurged on Bloody Marys and Eggs Benedict.
A leisurely brunch was followed by a day at the pool.

The End.

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