Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Marinated Baked Tofu Stir-Fry

After stuffing myself at KO Prime's Boston Burger Battle on Monday night, it was unsurprising that I didn't have much of an appetite the next day.  After doing some work and a lunchtime bike ride, I finally found myself starting to get hungry during the middle of the afternoon.  I had a package of firm tofu in the fridge, so I decided to make marinated baked tofu to go along with a spicy vegetable stir-fry.

Like last time, I pressed the tofu dry using a combination of a washcloth, a Dutch oven and a cast-iron skillet.  The tofu pressed dry for about half an hour.

I whipped up the tofu marinade using the same recipe as I did last time.  Last time, however, I omitted the honey and sugar, but this time I added two tablespoons of agave nectar to add some sweetness. 

I poured the marinade over the tofu slices in a baking pan and refrigerated it for about half an hour before I turned the tofu over, brushed more marinade, and refrigerated for another half hour.

I baked the tofu in the stove at 350 degrees for twenty minutes on each side.  While the tofu was baking, I got to work on my stir-fry.  I warmed up a wok with some vegetable oil and added some frozen mixed vegetables, frozen broccoli, leftover sliced bella mushrooms from my roasted chicken, potato, onion and mushroom pizza, and sliced green onion.

I then added a few tablespoons each of the following ingredients to make a spicy stir-fry marinade. 

I let the vegetable stir-fry simmer while the tofu finished baking. 

I portioned out the stir-fried vegetables and added some sliced marinated baked tofu on top. 

The vegetables were crunchy while the tofu had a nice meaty texture.  This made the perfect late lunch/early dinner and there was plenty leftover for Bret to have for dinner while I was off at a chocolate and wine event that evening.

What is the last spicy thing you've eaten recently?

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