Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Boston Burger Battle at KO Prime

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending the second annual Boston Burger Battle at KO Prime.  Local area chefs put their best burgers forward all in the name of a good cause - Autism Speaks

Bret and I managed to sample every burger by splitting most of them but even with that strategy, we were still stuffed!  I managed to get photos of each of these delicious burgers so that you can see our gluttony.  The lighting was dim so please forgive the appearance of these photos!

These fried oysters added both crunch and flavor to this burger.

The homemade pickles on this burger were outstanding!

While I normally adore Charlie's Kitchen, this burger was a tad over-cooked.

The pickles that came with this burger aren't pictured but they were seriously addictive!

I declared this burger like a gourmet McDonald's cheeseburger
and I meant it in the best way possible!

This burger tasted as good as it looked!

Is that Chef Will Gilson or the Hamburglar?

I think I'll be dreaming about these flaky crumbly biscuits.

SDLT, please share with me the ingredients to the secret sauce!
I of course had to save my favorite three burgers for last....

Chef Ming Tsai later joined in the action.

Technically this wasn't a burger, but it still made my top three!

The burger literally melted in my mouth and the cherry pepper sauce
added a lot of heat!  Plus, the pickle won major bonus points!

The Bristol Lounge won last year and it got my vote this year!

These delightful mini sirloin burgers were topped with foie torchon,
grilled buttery buns and a potato that deceptively looked like an onion ring!

Thanks again to Nicole Kanner of All Heart PR for inviting us to this wonderful event for such a great cause.  Plus, this event had probably some of the best shirts I've seen!

Tell me, what is the best burger you've ever ate?

KO Prime on Urbanspoon

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