Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dear Alex

Dear Alex,

A couple of months ago your father asked me how I viewed you. I replied, "I still look at him as our friend, he's just hanging out with us until he can take care of himself." Clearly I was trying to be funny, but there was more truth than comedy to my answer. Motherhood did not happen to me overnight, it had to mentally grow on me.

Over the past few months I've been surprised by the tenderness that has come over you. The sleepless nights, colic and crying has been replaced by sweet giggles, loving hugs and drooly kisses. My heart swells just thinking about it. What I find most riveting is the way that you look at me. The way that you cry inconsolably until you reach the comfort and safety of my arms. The way that your face lights up and legs kick with excitement when I walk into a room. It's more than a friendship. Somewhere along the way we fell madly in love with each other and that love has only deepened and from what I understand this bond is irreversible.

continue reading...

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