Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fregola Pudding

Fregola Sarda.  No, not fraggle rock.  Fregola is a toasted Sardinian pasta similar to couscous.  Made from durum wheat and toasted, fregola is a coarsely textured, nutty pasta.   I recently received a sample of fregola from Marx Foods for a challenge... to make dessert!

Along with the fregola, we got samples of star anise, vanilla beans and saffron.  I chose the saffron and got to work, creating a pudding with persian flavors.  With hints of rosewater, coconut and saffron, this fregola pudding was delightful.  I loved the contrast of textures between the chewy fregola and crunchy pistachios.

Fregola Pudding
Recipe by Shannon
Serves 2

1 can light coconut milk
2c unsweetened almond milk
1/2c fregola sarda (or your favorite grain)
1/2c evaporated cane juice (or granulated sugar)
2T rosewater
scant 1/2t saffron
chopped pistachios, for garnish

Combine all ingredients (except pistachios) in a medium pot, crushing the saffron between your fingers as you add it to the pot.  Heat over medium heat until the milk begins to boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer 30-45min, until most of the milk is absorbed and fregola tender.   Serve warm or RT, topped with chopped pistachios.

Have you ever tried fregola?

Disclaimer:  The fregola and saffron used in the creation of this recipe were free samples provided by Marx Foods.

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