Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays!!

Hard to believe it is already Christmas!  With all the wedding planning going on, it's needless to say that Christmas sort of snuck up on me!  Luckily Nick LOVES Christmas and decorating the tree.  So even though things were a bit hectic, the Sunday after Thanksgiving our tree was up, lit and decorated.

All Lit Up!
After last year with our rather large but bushy tree that made for some messy clean up, when Nick's aunt offered us their fake tree we grabbed it.  Turns out it was perfect for us this year because we will not have any time after Christmas to take it down before the wedding and honeymoon.  This way, rather than coming back to a brown tree and with no way to dispose of it, we just have to pop this tree in storage until next year - perfect!  Not having ever grown up with fake trees I was suspect, but it actually came out pretty well!  I was truly pleasantly surprised.

Of course the tree had Nick's white lights, but I was excited to break out my little ceramic tree with its own colored lights!

My Colored Lights
Between Nick's collection of ornaments, our travels where we have been collecting some at each stop, and the family heirlooms (some nicer than others), we had plenty to cover the tree.  My mother still has some of the ornaments my brother and I made in preschool.

All Decorated :)
I may be posting a few things next week and then I am switching into full wedding mode, but for now I will be enjoying the Christmas holiday.  I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday weekend!

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