Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And The Oscar Goes To

I'd like to thank the Academy....

Actually, I'd like to thank Adam's brother and sister-in-law. For Christmas they gave us a membership to the Brattle Theater in Cambridge. Yet another excuse to ride the Red line over the Charles. This time we were headed to Harvard Square.

With this membership you are entitled to free movies and a chance to attend events such as the 10th Annual Oscar Party. We had no idea what to expect, but RSVPed figuring why not pass up the experience.

We arrived a little before 8pm and walked the red carpet! Once inside we received ballots and claimed seats front and center in the balcony section.

Shortly after we saved seats, drinks were purchased. I went with the sparkling wine.

There was plenty of time to mingle and check out the theater which is small and cozy with a real vintage feel to it. The ambiance of tonight was that of sheer purple curtains, chinese lanterns and delicate strands of white lights.

There was a silent auction taking place and food provided by local restaurants. Once the Oscars started the scene in the theater was interesting to say the least. The young crowd in front of us was extremely vocal and over-the-top into the show. I'm not saying I wasn't into it, buttt I also wasn't making it known to the entire balcony section. (Your at about here - picture my hand over my head, you need to take it to about here - picture hand at my chest.) The group to my left was clearly annoyed with the group in front of us, and didn't seem to be enjoying themselves much at all. They ended up leaving early. I wasn't really bothered by either group, just genuinely enjoying myself and laughing at their antics. The otherwise relaxed atmosphere was nice. I liked that it was no big deal for conversations to take place during the show. We had fun keeping score of who won what category.During the initial commercial breaks the creative director and his wife would come on stage and entertain us. (Usually just say a few words about what was happening re: the auction, the food, the current Oscar winners.) I thought they did a respectable job hosting. Commercials also presented the opportunity to grab some food. I snapped this picture in the darkness while balancing the plate on my lap.

I have a vegetable gumbo and a slice of pork and arugula flat bread pizza. A few more glasses of sparkling wine and the porter on tap were consumed. I was on the edge of my seat as they announced the winner for each category. Not wanting to miss any of the important ones, we stayed until the very end. I was excited for Best Actress Sandra Bullock's big win and Best Director Kathryn Bigelow's as well. Hurt Locker all the way. (Sorry James Cameron...)

I can't wait to come back and put those free movie passes to good use. Rich in history and character, it is buildings like these that have been around since the 1800's (Brattle Hall officially opened in 1890) that remind me why I love Boston so much.

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