Thursday, March 18, 2010

Special Delivery

Today, I got a coconut in the mail.

Yes, you read that correctly. I got a coconut in the mail.
This precious package came compliments of my Mom all the way from Boca Raton, Florida. She was there this past month visiting family and my Aunt (her younger sister) Cheryl has a coconut tree in her front yard. Come again, Mom? You sent me a what? I'm sure the Post Office has seen stranger things.
On second thought...maybe they haven't. The US Postal Service never ceases to amaze. She shipped this off on March 1st (may I remind you it is March 18th) and it cost $8.85. That's quite a long trip this little guy took up the East Coast. Adam wasted no time and broke right into it with his trusty screwdriver.
We thought once the outer shell was removed it would expose the coarse brown inner shell. Not so much. It was basically just one layer to peel off and that uncovered a white layer of skin.
We drained the coconut juice, which was almost a full pint glass. 
Unfortunately, this was not edible or drinkable. And not for lack of trying. The fruit had a raw bitter taste too tough to stomach.
And the water appears that it would be a sweet and delicious liquid, but the coconut juices tasted stale and even sugar couldn't help it. I attempted a vodka-lime-coconut water mixed drink. That didn't sit to well. And I'm never one to waste good booze.
But sometimes it's the journey that counts even if the end result isn't what you'd hoped for.
They also sent one to their older sister Joyce who lives in Iowa and there has been no sign of the Coconut in the midwest. But I will definitely be reporting back if I hear of its whereabouts.
This was a fun Thursday night experiment. Thank you Mom and Aunt Cheryl!

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