Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekend Recap with Scenes from the MFA

This past weekend was a cold, rainy, dreary and miserable mess.  Despite all of the fun activities going on in the city, I was excited for a very low-key weekend.  This included:
  • A girls night in with copious amount of wine and cheese to watch Coco Before Chanel and the September Issue
  • Saturday Peapod delivery to stock up on loads of fresh vegetables and proteins
  • Rainy movie night with pals involving Chinese take-out - isn't Chinese food the best on rainy days?
  • Sunday morning brunch while the apartment was getting cleaned...
But the highlight of the weekend was definitely having brunch with my friends K and G and then heading to the Museum of Fine Arts on Saturday to check out the Egyptian exhibit.  While the company at brunch was wonderful, I've really got to say that the food and service at the Daily Grill was really unimpressive from the rubbery eggs, overbearing service and diners seated on top of each other.  I've been there twice now and with these poor dining experiences, I think I've confirmed that I won't be returning here again.

But the MFA was a wonderful experience.  We mostly went for the Egyptian exhibit but we did browse around to some of other favorite wings.  Its been a few years since I've last gone to the MFA but it was a perfect thing to do on a rainy Saturday.  Here are some photos from the MFA:

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Stay dry!

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