Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brussels and Breakfast

I'm (supposed to be) working on a presentation for work so I haven't spent much time in the kitchen (except to roast the butternut squash I ate for dinner... ), but I can point you to two good recipes! I mentioned that I had the best brussels sprouts EVER at the Foodbuzz Festival. Well, Chef Dennis Lee was gracious enough to share the recipe!! You can find it here, or check out an awesome step-by-step version at We Are Not Martha. I didn't find all of the appropriate ingredients, but I came close ;) Still a winner, and worth checking out your local markets!

Brussels Sprouts to die for ;)

The second was a breakfast cake I made while my parents were in town, flavored by the last of my Coconut Chai tea. Smelled great in the oven, and I think they enjoyed it as part of their breakfast! (edited to add: Mom and Dad added their thoughts in the comments below!) You can find the recipe here.

Coconut Chai Breakfast Cake

I'm going to mix it up a bit in the upcoming weeks, to talk a little bit about these. Stay tuned!

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