Friday, March 26, 2010

Questions And Answers

There are some new additions to this blog that could use some reader interaction! That's right. I'm asking for your participation.

Reader Survey

You may or may not have noticed, but I've added a Reader Survey tab at the top of the page. I would love it if all of you would take a few minutes to fill out the survey. I'm hoping it will give me a better understanding of who you, my readers, are and what you'd like to see here.

Click here to take survey


I also noticed that a lot of bloggers have been using formspring lately, and I decided to try it out too. It's basically a place where you can ask me questions anonymously. I'll then answer your questions on my blog. Is there anything you want to know? Sometimes I don't know how much readers are interested in hearing about my life, my job at the bakery, my boyfriend, our (I mean, his) dog, etc. This is your chance to ask about these things or food-related things or really to ask any questions you have for me.

Ask away!

Thanks so much! Happy Friday!

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