Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thai Curry Shrimp

Before we get to the curry, trivia! The answer to the last question surprised me, the number of commercially grown varieties of fruits and veggies has declined 97% since the turn of the 20th century!!! I tried to do a quick search to find out why, but most things I found addressed the quality of commercially grown products. My only guess would be that commercial farming is selecting for superficial qualities like fast growth and appearance, and thus growing the "best" instead of variety. Any other thoughts?

Ok, back to the main event. Ever since I opened up a can of red curry paste, I've been wondering what else to do with it. I happened upon a couple of recipes that inspired this Thai Curry Shrimp dish that was pretty delicious.

I'm not sure if corn and peas are normally in Thai dishes, but I wanted more veggies so I threw them in after taking the pictures. I'm sure any veggies you have would work in this, you might just need to adjust the cooking times a bit. I bet green beans would be an especially nice addition! It came together so quickly, but you'd never know it tasting the coconut-curry broth. Perfect for busy weeknights, or leftover lunches.

Thai Curry Shrimp
adapted from Aggie's Kitchen and Bitchin Camero

Serves 2

1 onion, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1-2T red curry paste
1/2c frozen corn
1/2c frozen peas
~20 frozen, cooked shrimp (or tofu, cooked chicken, etc)
1 can lite coconut milk
juice of 1 lime
1-2T soy sauce
cooked spaghetti squash (or brown rice)
scallions and cilantro for serving (chopped peanuts would also be nice if you have them)

Heat 1T oil (coconut oil or a mild flavored oil) on medium in skillet. Add onion and red pepper and saute until softened, ~5-10min. Add curry paste and stir so veggies are evenly coated. Add coconut milk, frozen veggies & shrimp (or other protein), and simmer 10-15 min to warm through. Remove from heat, stir in lime juice and soy sauce. Adjust seasonings. Serve over spaghetti squash, topped with some chopped scallions and cilantro.

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