Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Baked Chicken Breast with Mushrooms, Onions and Garlic in White Wine Sauce

On Sunday night, B and I decided to make a huge Sunday dinner so that we would have plenty of leftovers for lunch the following day.  We decided to use our standby protein - boneless chicken breast and to bake it with whatever vegetables we had in our fridge.  We took out three large chicken breasts out of the freezer and once it was thawed, B halved the chicken breasts to make six thin pieces of chicken breast.  The chicken breast was given a quick seasoning of black pepper, salt and herbs de Provence and then given a nice sear on the stove.

Because we didn't have a casserole dish big enough, we added the chicken breasts along with three halved cloves of garlic to a baking pan and set it aside.

We then got to work on the vegetables.  I peeled about a dozen of small boiler onions.  I added it to the sauce pan with some olive oil to get some nice color on the onions.

B washed and chopped up a package of white button mushrooms and added that to the pan with the onions.

I also added three minced cloves of garlic.  We did a simple sauce that consisted of a cup of chicken broth and half a cup of leftover Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc from our chicken piccata with mushrooms dish last week.  I let the vegetables and sauce simmer to cook down the wine a bit.

We then poured the sauce and vegetables over the chicken breasts.

The baking pan was covered with aluminum foil with holes in it and put in the oven at 350 for about twenty minutes.

The end result was a moist chicken breast chock full of yummy vegetables. Next time we make this, we'll probably thicken the sauce up with a little flour or corn starch to make it more like a gravy.  The vegetables were delicious browned and sopped up the white wine sauce wonderfully.

Since the dish was a bit lacking in the color department, we added a side of simple sweet potato fries using one large sweet potato.  We cooked this in a very similar fashion as our sweet potato chips but with a lesser cooking time.  We made a quick Sriracha and sour cream dipping sauce for the sweet potato fries.  Although the sweet potato fries were a bit mismatched as a side dish for the chicken, it was still tasty nonetheless.

This was another simple dinner but incredibly filling.  The chicken breasts were even better yesterday for lunch because it had really sopped up all of the delicious white wine sauce.  I've really been focusing on simple, easy and healthy meals lately that don't sacrifice on flavor and I'd love to hear some of yours!

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