Monday, April 5, 2010

Scenes from Opening Night at Fenway Park

Last night, I was lucky enough to go to Opening Night for the baseball season at Fenway Park.  The weather was gorgeous and we were playing the New York Yankees, who could ask for anything more?  How about fireworks, Steven Tyler and my favorite singer of all time (don't judge)...NEIL DIAMOND!  

Here are photos from last night's game:

Opening Night, April 4, 2010

Gorgeous seats with a great view....

Me (and my spring allergies) and B...

Here we go Sox!

The smoke clearing from the fireworks display...

Pedro takes the mound for the first pitch...

Meeting up with Abby and company, who were just one section over!

My favorite singer, Neil Diamond, in the 8th inning...
I'm lucky to say that this is my second time hearing Neil sing at Fenway Park!

It is a late night. What better way to get home than with a pedi-cab!

Final score: Red Sox 9 - Yankees 7.  

Thanks Marcell for the complimentary tickets!

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