Monday, April 19, 2010

Sox filled Saturday

Adam and I left the North End around 3:00 on Saturday and headed to Kenmore Square in the rain. At least it was a drizzle and not a downpour!
I was bundled up. Everyone I chatted with post baseball game asked me how cold I was. Here's what I have on:
Layer 1: Hot Chillys long sleeve black top.
Layer 2: my favorite zip up wool sweater.
Layer 3: that hooded coat. My Dad got it for me two Christmases ago from Urban Outfitters (go Dad) and it's pretty thick.
Layer 4: scarf, hat, and gloves.
Layer 5: Ugg boots.
Layer 6: three Mojitos consumed at Jillian's.
No I was not cold at the game. Not in the slightest. I know how to dress (and drink) for April in Boston. 
We headed first to Jillian's where we celebrated our friend Kim's birthday. Adam and Kim go way back to the days of college at Syracuse University.
Jillian's dark atmosphere is clean and modern. The interior houses three floors, the third floor complete with sprawling couches, a wide circular bar, high tables and large booths. In addition, they have numerous space dedicated to pool tables and Lucky Strike bowling lanes.
We didn't bowl this time around but did partake in quite a few rounds of pool.
Our party had a waitress, however she appeared only sporadically throughout the afternoon. I was hurting for a second drink for awhile and Adam ended up going to the bar to replenish! This was not a huge problem, but when you have a tab with a waitress, sometimes it is nice to keep it all together. I would think she'd want the tips anyways!
The Raspberry Mojito (un-pictured) was lackluster. It didn't even come with mint or raspberries! It was a feature drink on the menu, so I was expecting more. Also, the waitress left it on the crowded table when I wasn't paying attention, so to the best of my knowledge it could have been any old mixed drink. The process of elimination lead me to determine it was mine. After that I stuck to regular mojitos. The only thing I ate was an order of the Bite Size Mac & Cheese Balls ($7.50) The crispy coated bite size nuggets of mac & cheese come in a generous portion that were severely under-seasoned. The tomato dip accompanying was watery and unexciting. I thought it was a creative idea for an appetizer but they lacked any sort of redeeming qualities.
Later on, we met our friends Jackie and Sean for yet another birthday celebration (Jackie's!) in front of a dreary looking Yawkey Way. Color me confused but apparently before our game could begin the Sox and Rays were completing Friday nights suspended game. I'm still not sure how that was fair to the people who had tickets for Friday, because we were clearly in their seats. We watched the boys choke in overtime as they blew a bases loaded / no out scenario. The final score in the 12th was 3-1, Tampa Bays victory.
Not sure if you can tell here but it's BASES LOADED.
It's always great to be back at Fenway Park kicking off another season of baseball! I missed me some $7.50 ballpark Bud Lights.
When the first game ended we made our way to Who's on First. I love this bar as it just so happens to be where Adam took me before we saw our first Sox game together (I guess that was 3 years ago now!) and where we watched them win game 4 vs. the Rockies in the 2007 World Series. Good Memories.
Jackie and I go way way back, I'm talking Elementary school days.
Who's On First is basically a giant basement with a whole lot of standing room, big screen TVs and plenty of rowdy Red Sox fans. Since it's on Yawkey Way you need your ticket to enter and exit. (So don't loose your ticket!) While we were here I sipped on a small but strong vodka-tonic-lime. Soon enough, it was back to our awesome seats for game two!
The grandstand seats were close, but not too close. We were under the overhang and therefore protected from the drizzle that occurred on and off all night.
Shenanigans ensued.
I can't remember if that was my first or second Fenway Frank.
I ate Peanuts. I ate Cracker Jacks. I would have ate a pretzel if there were any left.
It might be past midnight at this point. Happy official Birthday my love!
The park cleared out as the night wore on, but we stayed until they very last inning. It ended up being a pretty close and exciting game, the Rays taking the victory 6-5. Bummer. We consoled ourselves / continued to celebrate Jackie's day of birth at Beacon Street Tavern where I drank a refreshing Stella on tap.
I've been here a few times prior and this is a bar I'm always happy to hang out at. The atmosphere is casual and inviting and the bartenders are friendly. The deep magenta colored velvet booths lined with satin pillows have a cozy yet regal feel. The candles placed throughout emit a glowing red light, adding subtle character. I have always enjoyed myself here and tonight was no exception. Despite the rain, and the Red Sox double loss, it was a fun Saturday carousing Fenway Park and its neighborhood establishments, all the while celebrating my favorite April birthdays!!

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