Saturday, April 17, 2010

Boulder Night 3 | Homemade Pasta Dinner

For our final night in Colorado, we lounged around the apartment, took long hot showers and drank some delicious (and super fun labeled) bottles of red wine; while our generous hosts prepared an Italian feast.
I love how this bottle is called Petite Petit and there are two giant circus elephants just chillin'
The Chime Pinot Noir was just the muscle relaxant I needed. Ski jumps & steep bowls of spring snow causes sore muscles sore like you wouldn't believe.
Laura prepared this colorful salad while Craig made the pasta dough in their Kitchen Aid Mixer.
Laura also made two red sauces.
This one had garlic, green peppers, onions and a special ingredient - pepperoni slices. Have you ever had pepperoni in a sauce? I hadn't. It's such a creative touch!
Craig and I set up a system where he processed the dough and I hung the linguine on the makeshift drying rack. It's actually a cookie sheet balanced on two boxes.
Making progress.
And loving this whole process.
Pasta dinner for seven coming right up.
Completeness. I filled the entire rack!
Linguine photo shoot. Obvi!

No Italian feast would be complete without garlic bread.
Laura goes all out.
We're ready to eat.
The super fabulous bowl the garlic bread is in was one of her birthday presents from yours truly a few years ago!
We were all in homemade pasta heaven and in agreement this was the best pasta we have ever tasted. So fresh, tender and doughy covered in a most flavorful sauce with generous chunks of green pepper and sliced pepperoni rounds.
The garlic breads and salad were the perfect accompaniments.
I can't thank Laura and Craig enough for their generosity and hospitality throughout our time in Boulder. They went above and beyond. I've been on a constant high all week long from this vacation. The weather was perfect, the meals were incredible, the photo shoot memories will last a lifetime and the skiing totally rejuvenated me from a long winter without. I feel incredibly blessed to have girlfriends I can plan a trip and travel across the country with. The adventure possibilities are endless. I can't wait to see what life has in store next.

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