Thursday, April 1, 2010

Delightful Ice Cream Sandwiches With Walker's Shortbread Cookies

When the wonderful folks at  PMG asked me if I'd like to try out some products from Walker's Shortbread, I was thrilled and also very nostalgic.  You see, my grandmother LOVED shortbread cookies and would always have them on hand at her place for when my sister and I came to visit.  While my grandmother is no longer with us, to this very day, when I eat a shortbread cookie, it brings up the fondest of memories of eating these cookies with a tall glass of milk at my grandmother's place.
Thinking of family in mind, I was happy to discover that Walker's Shortbread is made by the Walker family in Scotland and they have been producing their shortbread cookies for over a hundred years.  Although technology has changed, the company still bakes their cookies in small batches to produce the classic shortbread flavor and appearance.  In fact, I had no idea that their shortbread is baked with no artificial flavoring, coloring or additives.  These cookies contain simple ingredients - flour, pure creamery butter, sugar and salt.
The folks at Walker's Shortbread sent over several packages of cookies for me to try out:
Chocolate Chip Shortbread
The chocolate chip shortbread cookies were a big hit.  I received a box with 24 packs and each pack contained two cookies.  I loved these cookies because it had the rich buttery shortbread flavor with little chocolate chips in it.  The packaging made it easy for me to throw a pack in my purse to snack on at work.  But I didn't want to be tempted with eating them all of them so I put them in a big bowl on our dining room table.  Our friends loved snacking on them just as much as we did, especially when I would encourage them to take a few for the road!  

Of course I couldn't just eat the cookies plain and I also made delicious mini ice cream sandwiches with softened vanilla ice cream in between the two cookies.  Because of the shortbread consistency, these cookies didn't get soggy with the ice cream filling.  These were a big hit with my friend KK when I made them for a dessert when she came over for dinner one evening,  I forgot to take a picture so I just had to make another ice cream sandwich another night for the photo.  

My boyfriend was happy to oblige in eating the ice cream sandwich after the photo was done!

Stem Ginger Biscuits

The Stem Ginger Biscuits were by far my favorite of the Walkers products.  These were hard ginger cookies with small pieces of candied ginger in them.  I am a huge ginger fan and I think these biscuits hands down beat any other ginger snap or cookie for its ginger flavor.  

I again used these cookies to make an ice cream sandwich.  After all, I couldn't let B eat his chocolate chip shortbread sandwich by himself, could I?  

I really loved the flavor contrast of the sharp ginger bites and the smooth creamy vanilla ice cream (I used Haagen Dazs).  For the same reason, I'd love to try using the Stem  Ginger Biscuits as a crumble atop something rich and creamy, like a buttermilk pie! 

Shortbread Fingers

The Shortbread Fingers were really interesting.  They had the same shortbread delicious buttery flavor but they were so much lighter than your usual shortbread variety.  While these fingers didn't quite "melt in the mouth" as the package indicated, the lighter consistency did make the shortbread fingers the perfect nibble with a cup of my favorite Tazo chai tea.  

I think that a package of these shortbread fingers would make a great pumpkin pie or cheesecake crust in lieu of a graham cracker crust.  I haven't tried it out but I'd guess that the shortbread fingers buttery consistency would work well after its been reduced to a crumble consistency in the food processor and mixed with softened chopped pieces of butter.

Overall, I really enjoyed testing out the Walkers products.  I checked out their website and discovered that you can order these products online although I have found them locally at DeLuca's Market and Cardullo's Gourmet Shoppe.  The website also has some useful recipes for different ways to try out their products.  But for me, my favorite way is to eat them plain - straight out of the package.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about Walkers Shortbread products, please let me know and I can put you in contact with them  Also, thanks to PMG for introducing these yummy shortbread products to me and sending them my way!

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