Friday, April 30, 2010

Easy Peasy Lemon Sqeezy

After seeing pictures of Easy Sole Meuniere in Corinne's facebook album earlier this week, I was all over it. Side note - Corinne's name (lets face it, a majority of my recipes come from this girl) can now be linked to her new blog!!! That's right! I love discovering new blogs, so I get pretty excited when I get to follow one created by a close friend!! Welcome to the behind the scenes of blog world ma dear :) Now, with all that excitement, where was I. Sole. Ah yes. Sole is a firm flat white fish with a delicate flesh and mild taste. It's also super inexpensive, especially at Haymarket. $3.00 a pound, yes please.
These 3 large slabs of fish = 1 lb. That's $1 per piece of fish. You really can't beat that. Along with the sole I made Ina Garten's Oven-Roasted Vegetables. Below we have the veggies + lemon for the fish + kiwis because I haven't had a kiwi in ages.
as well as some leeks + potatoes + parsleyIna's recipe called for Fennel, but no Haymarket stands could provide. I decided to substitute leeks. After pouring myself a stiff one (it is Friday night after all) consisting of Svedka vodka, Polar diet tonic, Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice and a splash of lime, the simple prep work began.
1) Preheated the oven to 425*
2) I had a lot of veggies to wash.
3) Green Beans. Enough said.
4) Slicing and dicing.
5) Coating in olive oil, salt & pepper.
6) Prepping the baking sheets with tin foil.

Roast Away my fresh green veggies.
Fresh Parmesan cheese is sprinkled on when they are near completion.
The sole gets seasoned with salt, then coated in flour, then added to a large saute pan with 3 tablespoons of butter. After a few minutes the fish is delicately flipped; 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice are added. I eyeballed the zest and juiced a bunch of lemon slices directly into the pan. I emphasize delicately above, one wrong move with the spatula and you have 5 pieces of fish instead of one.
P.S. The other two fillets already cooked are keeping warm in the oven. P.P.S. Grating lemon zest has never been easier.
I put the fresh chopped parsley in my Colorado shot glass so I could clean off the cutting board.
Then I tossed all the roasted veggies together.
The fillets of sole are drizzled in the lemony butter sauces from the pan and sprinkled with parsley.
So I was a bit generous with the parsley.
A bottle of chilled white wine was opened.
This Oregon Riesling from A to Z Wineworks tastes sweet with fresh vibrant citrus notes and a clean finish. It proves to be an overall dynamic white wine which paired perfectly with tonight's simple entree.
I've been in the mood for Riesling and sole fish lately. This meal of buttery flaky fish with crisp roasted vegetables in a variety of tastes and textures hit the spot all around.
Unfortunately, Adam is not sole fishes biggest fan. He still ate it of course, but he'd much prefer a thick juicy cut of swordfish. He raved about the veggies. Especially the potatoes.
Well, I'm off to Connecticut with my sister, we're taking a road trip to the town of Granby where our cousins Meg and Jen reside. Meg runs her own dance studio and choreographs a big performance with her young students every year. Jen's kids are dancers with Meg's studio, so I can't wait to see everyone and watch my second cousins perform! I'll be back on Sunday with a recap. Enjoy the weekend everyone!

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