Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bunless Blue Cheese Turkey Burgers

Normally, when I write about cooking food on this blog, it usually involves food that I've made in the kitchen by myself or with my boyfriend.  Although B's schedule is a bit more predictable, mine can be all over the place.  There are times when I'm home at 3 PM and other times when I don't return until 9 PM.  It is the nature of my job.  But since we love spending time together, B and I usually find a way to cook together when we can.  One of us will prep while the other will cook, etc.

Last night, I had every intention of helping B make dinner but a meeting I had after work for one of my volunteer groups ran way over time.  By the time I got home, he had not only prepped everything but actually started cooking and dinner was ready on the table minuted after I walked in the door.  B took photos of the cooking process because he thought I'd be walking in the door any minute to join in.  I felt bad since he made all of the effort so I thought I would post them anyway.

B made delicious turkey burgers using lean ground turkey, salt, cracked black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne and some leftover blue cheese.

He cooked the burgers in a pan with vegetable oil until there was a nice color on both sides.  But just to be safe, he also checked the temperature to make sure the turkey was cooked through.

B made a gorgeous side salad using Olivia's Organics Spring Mix and adding sliced carrots and cucumbers.

He also sliced up a beefsteak tomato to top off our turkey burgers.

I was a lucky girl to be able to sit down to a healthy meal made by my boyfriend without lifting a finger (although I did have dish duty that night)!  The turkey burgers were fantastic with a hint of blue cheese flavor and the cheese helped keep the burger really moist.  There is nothing worse than a really dry turkey burger.  I loved my bunless burger with the tomato alone and didn't need any condiments at all.

It is nice to have someone else who enjoys cooking as much as I do.  And although I love cooking with my boyfriend, I also love nights like last night where I got a night off from the kitchen.

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