Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chewy Chocolate and Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

After another quick overnight work trip to Martha's Vineyard on Thursday, I found myself feeling really lethargic when I returned home on Friday.  Bret and I had dinner reservations for Friday evening but we decided to cancel the reservations and just stay in for the night.  I knew we made the right decision because after sleeping in on Saturday morning, I felt like a new person.  I managed to do a load of laundry, clean out my email inboxes, and even run along the Charles River for about three miles - all before noon.

The sun was shining and I had the whole day ahead of me.  Bret asked me if I had any interest in baking up some whole wheat chocolate chip cookies.  I made these cookies about a month ago and Bret seriously couldn't get enough of them.

I followed the same recipe as the whole wheat chocolate chip cookies as I made the cookie dough.

But when it came time to add the chocolate chips, I decided to switch it up a little and do a combination of semi-sweet chocolate chips and peanut butter chips.

I added a cup and a half of chocolate chips to the cookie dough.

And then I added a cup and a half of peanut butter chips.

The recipe tells you to chill the dough overnight but I just put it in the fridge for about two hours before I preheated the oven to 375 degrees and spooned the cookie dough out onto parchment-lined baking trays.  I took my time baking the cookies by putting in one tray at a time to bake for about eight minutes per tray while I caught up on some of my favorite blogs.  After the cookies cooled, I plated them and maybe tried one (or two) while they were still warm.

The chewy chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies were even better than the original version.  I loved the addition of the peanut butter chips to the cookie dough and was so glad I made the substitution.

I was so glad I spent a few hours baking on Saturday and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of the weekend outdoors enjoying this gorgeous weather.

What have you been up to this weekend?

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