Saturday, December 4, 2010

Airport Food?

Good morning!  I'm typing this while waiting to board my plane to D.C. this weekend.  Bret and I are taking an early morning flight and I wanted to write a quick blog post while we are waiting.  To start, I've got to rant a little.  I'm shocked at the food choices in my terminal.  After going through security, we decided to find some breakfast.  This is basically limited to the candy stand or the "Lean & Green Gourmet", which is filled with not-so-appetizing pre-packaged sandwiches, soba noodles and chips.  The breakfast choices are limited to not-so-fresh fruit cups, sugary cereals and plastic wrapped muffins.  While I'll never be a "healthy living" food blogger, I also want more options than this!  Thankfully there is a decent selection of Chobani yogurts, which I can always rely on. 

In other news, we have our first house-sitters this weekend!  Our friends, B and M, live in Watertown.  Recently, a skunk entered the basement of their apartment and sprayed in/near the heating system.  Basically everything they own in the apartment smells like skunk.  This happened right before Thanksgiving and their landlord is doing the bare minimum to remedy the situation.  They've since found a new apartment to move into later this month but their apartment is uninhabitable until then and they've been staying on their friend's couch since then.  When Bret and I heard about this, we offered up our place while we're in DC.  It still isn't their own home but at least they'll have some privacy and won't have to worry about being good guests with nobody else around.  We left them some "amenities", which include mints (Junior Mints to be exact) on their pillow, Harpoon Winter Warmer in the fridge, and strict instructions to keep the Christmas tree lit when they are home.  It isn't much but we're hoping they'll have a good weekend at our place. 

Okay, the plane is boarding soon so I'm going to sign off.  I'm not sure how much I'll be blogging while I'm I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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