Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another review!

I know I just talked about Thanksgiving dinner, but thanks to CSN Stores, I was able to review Calphalon's Stainless Steel roasting pan*.  

Oh man, what a beauty!    The pan comes with a nonstick roasting rack and some tongs/handles.  Even though I wasn't on turkey duty, I needed to test out the pan  (and make some leftovers!!).  I chose a turkey breast for my first go at roasting a bird and finally decided on a recipe for Sage Butter-Roasted Turkey with Apple Cider Gravy.

I pretty much followed the recipe, just cutting back on some of the amounts as I wasn't cooking a turkey the size called for.    Instead of brining, you actually rub a mixture of salt and dried sage the night before cooking.   My only trouble here was that I had rinsed and dried my turkey...  so the kosher salt didn't stick.  Unfortunately I forgot about this fact when I went to make the gravy (where all the salt fell off the turkey), so my gravy was waaay too salty.    It's ok though, I don't like gravy :)    Sorry mom and dad!

The turkey, however, turned out fantastic.  Moist and absolutely delicious, I'd totally use this recipe again!   The roasting pan was also a rockstar, as gravy was easily made in the pan after cooking the turkey and cleanup was a breeze!   Winner, winner, chicken turkey dinner :)

Have you ever roasted a turkey or chicken?  Do you have a go-to recipe?  Thoughts on brining?  Do share!

*Disclaimer:  This product was provided (at a small cost) to me to review.  The thoughts and results are my own!

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