Thursday, December 9, 2010

Butternut Ravioli

Roasted butternut squash and mascarpone is delicious.

making the dough

But let me back up.   There was some fresh pasta making at my place some time ago...  I don't want to think about how long it's been.

Roll out!

I let Elina and Kerstin do the hard work, since they had never done it before.  While I'm no expert, I tried to guide them in making the dough, rolling out pasta sheets (taking turns, of course), and forming the ravioli.

Assembly line!

I can't remember how we arrived at the filling (collective genius?), but roasted butternut squash married quite well with the mascarpone and freshly grated nutmeg.  I'm all for fresh pasta, but man, I could've eaten that filling all by myself itself.  Although I'm pretty sure I would've had to fight for it!

Somebody can't wait to dig in!

I'll spare you anymore rambling and get to the recipe :)

Butternut Squash Ravioli w/Sage Browned Butter & Hazelnuts

If you don't have the time or desire to make fresh pasta, wonton wrappers are a good substitute!

1 1/2 recipes fresh pasta*
2c roasted butternut squash puree
1/4t fresh ground nutmeg
1/8t salt
2oz mascarpone
2 grinds of freshly ground black pepper
6T butter
fresh sage, chopped (1/4-1/2c)
hazelnuts, chopped (1/4-1/2c)

To prepare the filling, mix together roasted squash, mascarpone and spices (salt, pepper, nutmeg).  Set aside.

Prepare pasta by rolling out sheets.  To make the ravioli, we added filling to one sheet (probably 1-2T, depending on how big you want them), spaced out by a few inches to leave room for the ravioli.  Once the filling was distributed, we topped with another sheet of pasta.   Using a cookie cutter (with a smooth edge), small glass, or your fingers, press down pasta around pocket of filling to create a seal and ensure that none of the deliciousness escapes.  Using a knife or pizza cutter, cut ravioli in whatever shape you'd like.  Set on a cookie tray and cover with towel until cooking (so they don't dry out).  Repeat with rest of the pasta and filling.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  In another large saute pan, melt butter and cook until begins to turn brown and smells nutty.  Add sage to the butter and cook until fragrant and crispy.  Lower heat and to keep warm until the ravioli are cooked.  When the water has reached a rolling boil, salt and begin cooking ravioli, being sure not to overcrowd them.  Cook for only a few minutes, they'll float to the top when ready, then drain and add to the browned butter and sage.  Continue with this process until you've cooked all the ravioli.  Serve topped with chopped hazelnuts!

*For 3 servings of pasta, I used 3 lg eggs, 75g white whole wheat flour and 225g type "00" flour.  For instructions and photos on how to make the pasta, click here.  We rolled it out to a medium-thin sheets (I think we aimed for 5-6 on a scale of 8).

Do you have a favorite way to use mascarpone?

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